Buffered Notification Address Lists
LAMA can export a list of both property owner addresses and "Current Resident" addresses for each address point within a buffered zone around a permit or project.
Go to the Contacts tab on the Project or Permit form and click on the Notices icon. (If you don't see Notices, you might need to widen your form).
In the Notice form that opens, click below the Buffer heading and enter the number of feet you need to buffer your address/shape by. (It will be the number -1 when you first open it.)
Use your Tab key on your keyboard to exit the Buffer field, or click on 0 Recipients under Noticees. Either one of these will open the Choose Options form. You can select one or both of the following, and then click OK:
- Generate Notice to 'Current Resident' for Non-Owner Occupied Addresses
- Separate Notice to Each Address on Parcel
LAMA will draw a turquoise outline around the parcels that fall within your buffered zone.
You will see that the number of recipients under Noticees will have refreshed. Click on this number to open the list of recipients with their mailing addresses. (TIP: Before exporting the list, it is sometimes helpful to visually scan the list and delete any duplicates or anything odd.)
Click the Export icon on the menu bar at the top of the list of recipients and choose either Export to Excel or Export to CSV. Either one will create a spreadsheet suitable for using in a mail merge.