Recently Viewed Items
LAMA has a query in the tree called "
My Recently Accessed." It is broken down into
Viewed and Edited. The program tracks permits/projects/licenses/violations that you’ve viewed or edited recently (i.e., since the last time you opened LAMA).
1. Go to the Query Tree (the section that looks like this).
2. If you are using the Default View, scroll down the list of queries to "
My Recently Accessed."
3. Selecting "
My Recently Accessed" will show everything you’ve viewed or edited in the module you're using. Expanding the folder (+) will yield two more queries -
View and
Edited. Upon selection, the data will populate your grid.
4. If you’re using a Custom View (you can tell because it won’t say “Default View” above the query tree list), you will need to add “
My Recently Accessed” to your view.
a. To create a new view or add to an existing view, first click on the gear wheel icon at the top of the query tree.
b. Next, either select a view from the drop-down list in “
Name of View," or type in a new name. If you’re not an administrator for the module you’re using, “
Save Only for Me” will be your only option.
c. Then click
“Choose Items."
d. Scroll down to
“My Recently Accessed” and check the box next to it (you can also check or uncheck any of the other query nodes you want or don’t want), and when you click OK you’ll see the changes in your Query Tree view.
e. To change the order of the query nodes, you can choose “
Set Display Order” from the same Tree View pop-up that you used to get to “
Choose Items."
f. Use the “
Move Up” and “
Move Down” buttons to move whichever node you have selected.