Event Statuses

Create a New Status

Find the Event Statuses table in the Admin Codes of the module you are working with.

Add a new line by clicking the yellow Add button.

An Order number will be assigned.  By default, it is the next number after the highest number already listed. If you would like your status to appear higher on the drop-down lists that use it, you can change that in the Order column.

Enter a unique name in the Status column that will be descriptive to users.

If you would like your status to indicate that an event is complete (i.e., it's OK for users to move to the next step), check the box in the Complete column. Otherwise, check the box in the Pending column (although Pending is the default state if Complete isn't selected - it's still a good idea to check the box to signal to other admins what your intent was).

You can use the Stop column if you'd like the object (permit, violation, planning case, etc.) to be closed if the user selects this status. If you don't select anything in the Exit Reason column, the user will see the standard Exit Reason form and be able to choose their own.

To make a status available in Reviews and Meetings, check the Review and/or Meeting columns.

Trigger an Event or Iteration

If you would like your status to trigger the insertion of an event or a sequence events, you'll first need to create an Iteration in the Event Iterations table (link to be added). Even if you only want one event to be inserted, you need to create a single-event iteration for it before you can trigger it via a status.

You can also trigger iterations in the Overrides form, if you need different iterations to be triggered (or not) in different circumstances.

Restrict a Status to Certain Events/Case Types

If you leave the Restrict to Overrides column unchecked, your status will appear on all events, and in all cases. A handful of statuses in the various modules are not restricted (e.g. "Pending", "Complete"), but most others are only appropriate in specific cirumstances.

After checking the Restrict to Overrides box, open the Status Overrides form by clicking in the cell in the Overrides column.

Restricting a status to overrides means that it will not be visible in any events anywhere, unless they are designated in the Overrides form.

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