Reusing Saved Review Comments

If you find you're repeating yourself frequently when you make review comments, you can save the review text in the Comment Template folder for your review division.

The Comment Template folder-node is below the other folders in the navigation tree. When the node is expanded, you can see each of the review divisions associated with the object you're reviewing.

To use a comment that already exists in your divisions template folder, just click on the grey check mark next to the comment you want in the Apply column. It will turn green after you select it.

To add a new comment to the template, make sure you have your division selected under the Comment Template folder and click the Add Comment button. A new row will be added at the bottom of the grid where you can add your comment, and give it a Type and Category to make it easy to find again.

Adding a comment to the template won't automatically add it to your review, though. Click its check mark after you create it in order to add it to your review.

Comments that you enter when you have your division selected under the All Division Comments folder node can't be directly added to the template node. You will have to use copy-and-paste if you want to save a comment you've already added in the "normal" comment section to the template section.

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