Relocate Case to a Map Point

1. From the Case Tab, Double Click on the case that needs a new boundary to pull the case up on the map.

2. In this example, you can see the case area defined by the purple outline. Expand the Measure Menu and select Polygon Measure.


3. Set the new boundary. Single clicks are used to define the individual points. Once the boundary is in place, Double click to set the final point to define the boundary.


After Double Click: Note the new defined boundary area, with the square footage showing in the middle of the selection.


4. In the Grid, Right Click the case and select Relocate


5. The Set Boundary menu will pop up. Go ahead and select Yes.


6. The Boundary Options menu will pop up. Select 'Use an Existing Shape Drawn on the Map' option to use our newly defined boundary and select Ok.


7. The Choose Existing Mapshape for Boundary menu will pop up. Be sure to select the area of the defined boundary, not the project's name to assure that our new boundary gets defined. Select Ok.


8. One last pop up menu will display, Update Location. Select Yes to link the new boundary to the Case.


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