Admin - Configure Flag Types

Admin users can create and define different flag types to be used throughout the LAMA program.  In many instances, users may wish to alert other users of certain conditions, such as an outstanding violation fee that needs to be paid, a Stop Work Order, a police department violation, special conditions, warnings, etc. – the choice is unlimited. 

To create and define flags types, select the Admin tab > Miscellaneous Codes.

Then select Flag Types from the column on the left.

Below is a sample flag type configuration used is one municipality.  Yours may be configured differently according to your needs.

1.  Select the Add button and LAMA will add a line.

2.  ID.  This is the ID number given by LAMA.  Don’t ever edit the ID number. 

3.  Order.  This is the order number that will appear in the drop-down list (in the LAMA program) when selecting from the list of different flag types – it can be alpha or defined by weight (severity of the flag type).

4.  Name.  Give your flag or icon a name.

5.  Description.  (Optional) You can insert a small description.  This is the description that will appear in the "Alert" message.  (See "Alert" defined in step 10 below.)

6.  Image.  Select the image that will appear in the LAMA program.

7.  Hover your mouse to the left if the "Image" cell, and a list of icons will appear.  Select your flag/icon to represent your warning.  There are hundreds of icons for your selection(s).

8.  Stop/Hold.  Places a complete stop on the process. 

9.  Weight.  Some flags or warnings are more serious than others, so you can set a weight number for severity as to which flag will appear on the parcel or grid if there are numerous flags.  (Highest number = most severe.)

10.  Alert.  Checking this box will display a warning and alert the user that there is a problem with the parcel, permit, or maybe a warning that liens exist on the property.  

11.  Overriders.  When clicking in this field, a list of LAMA users will appear.  Generally, the person who put the flag on a parcel or record will be the one to remove it.  However, certain people can be designated to override or remove the flag.

12.  Definitions.  This determines the flag’s availability – which module or element of LAMA, the jurisdiction, division, etc.  Click in the cell and fill in the required information.

13.  Deleted.  Mark a record as deleted by placing a checkmark in the box.  Use this option as opposed to using the “Delete” from the toolbar.  The toolbar delete permanently deletes the record.  Using the checkmark delete deletes the use, but can be engaged again for use.   

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