Unsubmitted Web Applications

An applicant may contact you about a problem submitting an application or one they thought was submitted. This is usually because there is a missing piece of information or documentation. You may wish to direct the applicant to perform the following steps.

Go to " Your Account" at the top of the web portal and choose "Your Items."

On the next page, the unsubmitted item should appear with an "Edit" link. By clicking on the " Edit" link, the applicant can add any missing pieces of information and/or documents and then submit the application.

However, if this is not sufficient, you may want to submit the application for the user and receive missing information by phone or email. To submit the application follow these steps.

1.  Search for the Case Number or Reference Code, and then click on the filter in the " Submittal" Column.
2.  Choose " All" -- this will display an icon in the "Submittal" column that looks like a shopping cart with a tiny yellow warning triangle. Click on the row with that icon to populate the Case Form.

3.  On the Case Form, click once on the Lock Icon at the top of the form to unlock the license.
4.  Click on the shopping cart with a tiny yellow warning triangle in the Status Field.

5.  In the pop-out, select " Submitted Web Application."
6.  Click OK. You should be able to edit and process the case normally.

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