Add a New User - System Administrator
You must be logged in under an account with System Administrator Permissions.
To create a new user in LAMA, perform the following steps:
- Open Admin > Users.
- Select Staff and Users, located on the left side of the window.
- Click the Add button at the top.
- Choose a Division.
- Create a new contact to associate to the user by clicking the paper/pencil icon under "Contact Information."
- Create the user record by clicking the person/plus icon under "Associated LAMA User."
- Optionally, check the boxes for Inspector and/or E-Plan Reviewer.
- User Signature File. If the new LAMA user has a signature on file, select Browse to download the file (png, jpg, etc.). Use this option if the LAMA user will generate letters and have their name auto-populate the letter/form.
- Finish filling out form as applicable, and select OK when completed.