Ready to Pay Statuses

When an item has one or more fees that are eligible for payment, logged-in users will see a "Pay Fees" link beneath their permit/license/project title line when they find their permit/license/project on their "Your Items" page, or by searching:


Nearly all fees have a minimum number of events that must be complete before an online payment can be accepted. Contact your Admin or Davenport Support to verify the statuses at which payments can be made.

Below is an example of how one jurisdiction has their payments restricted.


All permits fees, except for the following exceptions, must be processed for payment at the Permit Approved status. Exceptions:

  • Street Dedication Application must have Application Submitted completed
  • Dumpster Violation Fee must have Application Review completed
  • Mechanical Permit Violation must have Application Review completed
  • NCDC Demolition must have Application Review completed
  • Police Pension Fund (both types) must have Application Review completed
  • Revenue Parade Permit (both types) must have Application Review completed


  • All GTB license types must have Application Filed completed
  • Moving Equipment and Moving Equipment - Wasted Trip fees must have Annual Inspection completed
  • All other license types must have Approved completed


All project fees must belong to a project application at Application Submitted status

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