Transferring Payments

Begin by searching for the permit or license.

1.     Go to the Fees Tab.

2.     On the fees tab, select the Payments button.

3.     Select Show All Payments.

4.       The Grid will update to display payments. Click on the value of the payment to view its details. (I recommend taking a screen shot at this point for my reference in case anything goes wrong or I forget the date/amount/ payment number.)

5.       Close this window by clicking OK.

6.       On the Permit or License Form > Fees tab go to Fee Options.

7.       Select Add Credit.

This will pop out a dialogue where you can edit which fees to credit and in what amounts. In this case I only wanted to move one fees – the advertising fee.

8.       So I only checked the box next to that fee.

9.       I entered the amount of the credit I wanted to apply on the right side of that line, and it automatically updated the Total Credit Amount at the top.

10.   Then, I clicked “OK.

11.   Adding the credit in steps 8-10 will cause negative versions of all of the fees you credited to show up.  Now, go to the Payments tab.

12.   Choose Process Refund.

Another pop-out will come up.

13.   On the Payment pop-out, change the refund method to Deposit Account. (Because you are not actually returning money to the person, but just putting it in a temporary holding place until you can apply it to the right permit.)

14.   I gave my refund number the same number as the original payment so I can search for them later if there’s any balancing questions.

15.   Payer should default to the original payer’s contact. I still double check to make sure.

16.   Click OK to process and close.

17.   Search for the permit or license where the payment should be applied.

18.   On the Permit or License Form click on the Fees tab.

19.   Select Payments.

20.   Select Add a Payment.

21.   Choose the same payer contact that you applied the deposit to. If someone else applied for this permit or paid fees on it, LAMA may default to a different contact and you will need to change the payer to the one with the credit.

22.   Choose Payment Method “Deposit Account."

23.   Put in the same payment number from the original payment. On the payment graphic below, notice that a note has been added.

24.   Click OK to process the payment from the Deposit Account.

25.   You can confirm what you’ve done by going to the Contacts tab.

26.   Select the contact in question.

27.   View the Deposits tab on their Contact form. Here you see a negative deduction (double negative equals a positive and accounting is . . . full of them) in the amount of the original payment. You also see the payment I just processed for fees due on the correct permit. The net amount available in the “deposit” account is $475, shown just above the two transactions. That can be applied additional fees by the same person later.


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