Renewing a New Building Permit
Some municipalities have the option of renewing a new building permit. If yours is one, proceed with the following steps to renew an existing permit. Please Note: There are a lot of drawbacks to using a case type that is in essence a license. Before proceeding, contact your Systems Administrator.
1. On the Permit Form, go to the Events tab and select the Add from the toolbar.
2. Add the Event Iteration called Renewal.
3. Click OK.
4. Set the Target Event Date by selecting Issuance from the Previous Event Information.
5. Click OK.
6. The review event will now show up on the Events Tab in the Permit Form. Change the Status to Complete/Approved
7. A dialogue window will pop out with a Checklist Item. Check the OK box.
8. A second dialogue window will pop out showing the Detail Apply Renewal Fee. Check this box. It will apply the renewal fee.
9. LAMA will prompt the user to collect the payment.
10. Collect the Payment as normal.
11. An updated building permit will be generated.