Finding the Map Legend and Activating Layers

The map legend displays all the layers that are available for the Map. The Map Legend is typically located below the Permit/Project/Violation/License Form tabs. It can usually be found by looking for the Map Legend tab on the far right of the LAMA screen.

If the Map Legend tab is missing from the far right side of the screen, you can restore it by completing the following:

1.  Click on the View Tab in the Ribbon Bar.

2.  Click on the Map Legend Icon.


1.  Click on the Settings Tab in the Ribbon Bar 

2.  Click on the Reset Window Panes.

This is how the Map Legend looks.

There are two columns on the right.

A.  The “Visible” column determines if the layer is shown on the map.

B.  The “Active” column determines if the object from the layer can be selected from the map using the Selector tool.  Most users have the Parcels Layer set as “Active.”

You probably only want to have one active layer at a time.  In the screenshot to the left, I have unchecked my "Active" box for Parcels and checked the "Active" box for Subdivisions.  This allows me to select an entire subdivision.


Once you have selected a shape on the map this way, it is easy to:

1.  Go to the Query Tree

2.  Expand the Map Shapes Query, and

3.  Click on your selected Map Shape to see all the permits in that area.  (Note:  It works the same way in Violations, Projects, and Licenses.)

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