Performing Online Searches
1. Click in the Search Bar at the top of the page and enter the address or case number you are interested in.
- If you are unsure of the spelling of a street name, just type in the first few letters.
- If the street has a direction, do not type out the word. Just use the letters N, S, E, W.
- If you know whether it’s a Blvd, Way, Street, etc,, just use the name without a suffix.
- You can also enter the full or partial name of the applicant in this field.
2. Click the lighter blue “Search” button.
3. You can quickly tell which type of case is being displayed by referring to the color-coded key above the results on the right. These green results are Permits.
4. You can adjust what is being displayed by:
- Selecting only a particular case type
- Changing the way items are sorted
- Changing the number of results displayed per page
5. Next to the word “Results,” the page tells me how many items were found in my search.
6. You can click on “Print Summary” under the address of each case to see basic information about that case.
- After clicking “Print Summary,” a screen like this will be displayed.
Exporting Search Results
Now, most users will want to do something with those items. You can export this data and manipulate it in Excel by using the two drop-down menus under the word “Results.”
1. Once your results are displayed, you can export the results to Excel by changing “Selected Items” to “All Items.”
2. On the “Select an action menu,” select “ Export.”
3. Then click the blue “Submit” button.
Your web browser will download a file you can open in Excel containing all of the records. If you have an issue finding the file, try checking your downloads folder.